In memory of Khalid "Bob"
Everything started in the summer of 1999. I was looking for a job and after trying multiple jobs I ended in a medium sized company in Queens that was owned by two Pakistani brothers. They gave me the opportunity to start as a pest control technician. After a few months of working with them I began to understand their culture and religion. I established a good relationship with them especially with one of the brothers named “Bob”. He tough me step by step every technique required to become a good exterminator, with his experience and knowledge I became one of the best ones in his company. I remember there was a employee meeting in a Hotel by La Guardia Airport celebrating the best employee of the month. Whoever was chosen won a camcorder and $100 cash. I was surprised I was the winner. I still have the camcorder after so many years!
Year after year I was faithful to the company and to my work. One day one of the coworkers told me that I have the attitude, the personality, the knowledge to open up my own business. Since then I started to dream but not only that I also needed to confront my boss to let him know how I was feeling and what my plans were. One day I went to his office and I told him that I was leaving the company. I still remember like it was yesterday. I said just like your kids one day they grow and they want to explore the world and their luck even if your love them. He did not agree but he respected my decision and I left..
I started my own company from scratch. Working long hours from 8 am to 2am next day, weekends, holidays, non stop. All of this was for one purpose, give my family a better life in this land of opportunities that is United States of America.
I am from Colombia I left my country running away from mafia, trouble and bad friendships and when I left I swear for my life that I was going to do things right and here I am a successful man. I was not gonna waste the opportunity that I was given to become the person I am now.
We all have experienced and suffered with the pandemic, it has changed us in many ways. We have lost loved ones, friends and family members, many businesses closed but thanks God my company survived. Like I said in the beginning this is in memory of Bob who lost his life to covid-19 . Thanks to him I am here running a company, providing you with the best of me and my knowledge to get rid of you pests in your homes and businesses. Thank you Bob for teaching everything! Rest in peace “Bob” you will always be remembered.
By Gustavo “Eddie”